LTC, STC, HHC, and Hybrid

Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance covers the cost of services and support for individuals who need assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Typically, this type of insurance helps pay for Home Care, Assisted Living facilities, Nursing Homes, Adult Daycare Services, and Hospice Care.

Short-Term Care (STC) insurance covers many of the same costs as LTC but for a shorter length of time, usually no more than 12 months. It provides support for individuals who require assistance with Activities of Daily Living or recovery from an injury or illness.

Home Health Care (HHC) insurance covers the cost of services and support for individuals who need assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) specifically in their home. Because it is limited to the home and lasts no longer than 12 months, it is easier to qualify for and more affordable than Short-Term and Long-Term Care. This is a great type of coverage to supplement a traditional Long-Term Care policy, as it can fill the gaps of the elimination period. It is also a great option for those who can’t afford or qualify for traditional Long-Term Care.

Hybrid Life insurance combines permanent life insurance with LTC protection. This type of policy can help meet a client’s LTC needs if they arise. It is not a “use it or lose it” proposition for the client. If the client doesn’t use the LTC benefit, the full death benefit goes to their beneficiary tax-free.